Installing Above & Beyond 3.1 is Easy ------------------------------------- Summary of Steps: 1. Run a:Install 2. Start Above & Beyond Details: The installation process allows you to select where you would like to put Above & Beyond files. The directory you name will be created if it doesn't already exist, and the files will be installed from the diskette to this target directory. Use the Install program whether you are installing for the first time or updating from a previous version. Step 1: Insert the Above & Beyond diskette into drive A:. From the Windows Program Manager, Select Run from the File pull-down menu and type: A:INSTALL When Install asks if you'd like to have a Program Mgr icon created, answer Yes. Step 2: Start Above & Beyond by double-clicking on the icon. Installing Above & Beyond for a LAN Workgroup --------------------------------------------- Install Above & Beyond on each PC as described above, but designate in the command line a data path on the server. Designate an unique directory for each user's data file. For example: c:\AB\AB.exe j:\KIM\Kim.pak Also refer to the Above & Beyond on-line Help for additional info on workgroup use. Above & Beyond Technical Support from 1Soft Corp. ------------------------------------------------- 707/987-0256 voice Mon-Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm (Pacific time) 707/987-3150 FAX (24 hours) CompuServe 71240,1625 (24 hours)